Effects of the 4 Separate Components of the Chinese Angelica Root Intravenous Injection on the Rat with a Model of Cerebral Ischemia 当归静脉注射液4种分离组分对脑缺血模型大鼠的影响
Methods: ( 1) TCL was used to identify tuber fleeceflower root, Chinese angelica root, malaytea scurfpea fruit and barbary wolfberry fruit; 方法:(1)采用薄层色谱鉴别制何首乌、当归、补骨脂、枸杞子。
Compared with chemical fertilizer, the influence of high efficiency organic fertilizer on Chinese angelica root's configuration, weight, yield and Ditylenchus destructor occurring rate was studied by field test. 研究了施用新型高效有机肥料对当归根的形态、根重、产量以及麻口病害发生率的影响。
Postoperative Analgesia Effect of Epidural Injection Chinese Angelica Root 硬膜外注入浓当归液术后镇痛的临床探讨
Compound traditional Chinese medicine preparation consists of 20 medical herbs such as ginseng, red-spotted stonecrop, Codonopsis pilosula, Angelica sinensis, lavender, chrysanthemum, sealwort, Tuckahoe, lily bulb, red flower, radix ophiopogonis, fruit of Chinese wolfberry, licorice root etc. 复方中药制剂是由人参、红景天、党参、当归、黄芪、黄精、茯苓、百合、红花、麦冬、枸杞子、甘草等20味中药组成,水煎提取制得。
Or using mush of peach kernel, safflower and Chinese angelica root to promote blood circulation and moisten excessive heat; 二则用桃仁泥、红花、当归活血润燥;
A clinical study on the treatment of maternal fetal blood group incompatibility with rhubarb rhizome and Chinese angelica root decoction 茵陈当归汤治疗母儿血型不合的临床研究
The core drugs selected by both ancient and modern Chinese medicine treatment of premature ovarian failure are: Angelica, prepared rehmannia root, radix paeoniae alba and poria. 古代中医和现代中医治疗卵巢早衰共同选择的核心药物为:当归、熟地黄、白芍、茯苓,核心药对为当归-熟地黄。